J. Christopher Flowers
Firm Name:
J.C. Flowers & Co.
Founder and CEO
$6 Billion
Private Equity; Financials
United States
Applied Mathematics from Harvard University

James Christopher Flowers is the Founder, Managing Director and CEO of J.C. Flowers & Co., a private equity firm with c. $6 Billion in AUM and has made over $16 billion in investments since its launch in 1998. He is personally estimated to have a net worth of $2 Billion.
JC Flowers targets investments across all sub-sectors of the financial services industry, where 60% of its deals are sourced through its global network. His team looks for regulated, capital intensive businesses and capital-light, service-oriented businesses. Since its launch, the firm has acquired major equity stakes in Shinsei, NIBC Bank, HSH Nordbank, where the Shinsei deal single-handedly returned a profit of $7 billion in 2004.
Mr Flowers started his career at Goldman Sachs, where he spent 19 years and was made MD at the age of 31, effectively becoming one of the youngest partners in the firm’s history. He left Goldman in 1998 and started his private equity fund, and one of the high points of his career was his critical role during the 2008 Financial crisis. He was approached by AIG to advise it on its imminent financial collapse, before then advising Bank of America in its acquisition of Merryl Lynch.
A graduate of Harvard, Mr Flowers is the founder of Anne and Chris Flowers Foundation and the J.C. Flowers Foundation, which supports global economic and social development. He is also a trustee of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra and joined the Kasparov Chess Foundation Board in 2015.