Camille Samuels
Firm Name:
Venture Capital
United States
MBA, Havard Business School

Camille Samuels focuses on healthcare with an emphasis on biotech, medical devices, and consumer health. She currently serves on the board of Iris, Ocelot Bio, Unity (UBX), and XCaliber – and previously served on the board of several other Venrock companies including Corvidia (sold to Novo Nordisk), Spirox (acquired by Stryker via Entellus) and RegenXBIO (RGNX).
Venrock, a compound of "Venture" and "Rockefeller", is a venture capital firm formed in 1969 to build upon the successful investing activities of the Rockefeller family that began in the late 1930s. The firm led Apple's first venture and held a board seat at Apple for nearly 20 years.
Prior to Venrock, Samuels was a Managing Director at Versant Ventures where she supported many companies including Genomic Health (GHDX), Jazz (JAZZ), Kythera (KYTH/acq by Allergan), Novacardia (acq by Merck), and ParAllele (acq by Affymetrix). Before her venture career, Samuels worked in business development at Tularik (acq by Amgen). During her early career, Samuels worked in corporate development at Genzyme and Millennium Predictive Medicine and was a management consultant at LEK Consulting.
Samuels earned her Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Duke University and an MBA from Harvard Business School, where she graduated as a Baker Scholar.
This interview is exclusively open to LSE students.