Marialina Klodiki
PSP Investments

Manager, Infrastructure Investments
Marialina Klokidi is a Manager at the Public Sector Pension Investment Board (PSP Investments).
With 9 years of experience in the Infrastructure sector, Marialina has developed extensive knowledge and expertise in Airports and Utilities. Since joining PSP Investments in 2021, she has participated in several flagship transactions, including more recently, PSP's minority investment in AEP Transmission and the IPO of Athens Airport.
Before her tenure at PSP Investments, Marialina spent 2 years with UBS in their Power, Utilities and Infrastructure team, and 3 years with Arup, where she worked on the
design and construction of infrastructure assets.
Warialina holds a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from UCL, as well as two Master's degrees from Imperial College London, one in Soil Mechanics and one in Finance.